


MRRFはMarine Resource Recovery Forceの略、標語はEvery drop in the ocean counts.




Shin Bikini Armor

Summer means swimsuits, swimsuits mean bikinis, and bikinis mean bikini armor.

The setting is an intergalactic immigrant ship (120km in length) that was jumped tens of billions of light years away from the galaxy by a mysterious energy wave and crash-landed on an ocean planet.
The characters are the descendants of crew members who were genetically engineered to adapt to and survive in the ocean planet's environment, and their job title is gatherer.
Her humanoid classification is Dark Elf, and she is full of vitality and has a strong body, but she has a difficult personality, and everything she does is rough and sloppy.
They are 18γ years old (183 years old in earth time), and their lifespan is about 10 times longer than that of old humans.
His equipment is underwater resource extraction equipment, and the containers on his legs are resource teleporters.
Since 99.8% of the planet's surface is covered by the ocean, it is necessary to collect the resources necessary for life from under the sea.
The internal frame and deflector shield of the space-use reinforced exoskeleton are diverted for the existence of a dangerous biosphere of native organisms in the sea, and a defensive capability is provided by the bikini swimwear.
Shin Bikini Armor (Hobby), which is a bikini swimwear with defensive capabilities
The machine has been in use for nearly 100 years and is on the verge of disassembly due to age-related deterioration.
The heavy industrial section where machinery is manufactured and maintained fell off into the ultra-deep sea at the time of the crash, so the main extraction work is done by hand.
MRRF stands for Marine Resource Recovery Force, and its motto is Every drop in the ocean counts.

What we have is the electric sea cucumber, a parasitic organism that lives on large marine organisms.
It is chewy and tastes good in vinegared dishes, and the tangy electric stimulation when chewed is spicy and addictive.
It is a troublesome native creature that uses the electromagnetic propulsion method based on Fleming's law to suck on various protrusions and burrow into holes.
Fresh, live, fresh specimens are sold at high prices.
The name of the sea cucumber is "electric sea cucumber.

Since there is no religious system, sexual relations are relaxed and easygoing.

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